Dandelion Control: How To Get Rid of Dandelions

Overgrown lawn with dandelion weeds.

When you think of the term “lawn weed,” one of the most common images that comes to mind is the dandelion. These tenacious yellow flowers often pop up out of nowhere in your lawn and then transform into those iconic white puffballs ready to release their parachute seeds. While the dandelion’s puffy white plume is great for making a wish, this plant doesn't do your lawn any favours by competing with it for water and other essential nutrients.

You’ll find dandelions just about everywhere in Canada, which makes them the bane of homeowners and property managers alike. It’s no wonder everyone wants to know how to get rid of dandelions. In this article, our lawn care experts will explain how to remove, kill, and control dandelions in your lawn.

Understanding Dandelions

Dandelions (taraxacum officinale) are perennial plants that belong to the same family as sunflowers, daisies, and thistles. While native to Europe and Asia, they long ago made their way over to Canada and decided to stay. While dandelions are actually edible and are a popular addition to salads and even tea, they’re also one of the most pernicious lawn weeds around.

This common weed is recognizable by its vibrant, golden-yellow flower heads and distinctive lobed, tooth-edged leaves that grow at the base of the plant. After the flowers mature, Dandelions shapeshift into fluffy white seed heads capable of sending 15,000 tiny seeds parachuting on the wind.

Dandelions are also notorious for their deep taproots, which can extend 15 to 25 centimetres into the soil. These deep roots make it extra hard to get rid of the weeds. If you want to know how to kill dandelions, the key is to take out the entire plant, including its long taproot. This is important to ensure the weed is eradicated and doesn’t quickly return. Completely removing the weed and root will give your grass a better chance to thrive, since it doesn’t have to compete with the dandelion for water and sunlight.

The Best Ways to Get Rid of Dandelions

Many of our clients want to know how to remove Dandelions from their lawns, gardens, and even the cracks in their driveways. Fortunately, there are several effective methods to rid yourself of these stubborn weeds.

Hand-Pulling Dandelions

Landscaper using tool to pull out dandelions.

You might not like this answer, but if you really want to know how to get rid of dandelions in your grass, hand-pulling is one of the most effective solutions. We don’t mean just pulling up the head and leaves. You have to make sure you dig deep enough to remove the entire taproot, or the weed will regrow again. Many gardening and home improvement stores sell a specific tool called a dandelion digger to help with this process.

Hand-pulling is a good option if you only have a small number of dandelions on your property. If you have a larger infestation, you may need to resort to other measures or seek help from a lawn care professional.

Natural Remedies for Dandelion Removal

Landscaper spraying vinegar solution on dandelions.

If hand-pulling weeds sounds like too much work and you prefer not to use chemicals on your lawn, you can try creating your own organic weed killer solution. One popular method is to mix vinegar, salt, and dish soap and use it as a spot-treatment spray. The acetic acid in the vinegar can burn leaves, while the salt will desiccate the plant.

Another option is to pour boiling water directly on the dandelion, which can often kill the plant and its roots. Just keep in mind that both these natural options can also harm nearby plants.

Mowing Dandelions

Lawn mower on grass with dandelion weeds.

Mowing your lawn is a good way to get rid of dandelion flowers before they mature to the seed stage. This can help stop them from spreading, but we don’t recommend mowing as a long-term solution. The taproot will survive to sprout another day, so you’re really just pushing the problem into the future. We suggest using mowing in conjunction with other dandelion control methods for best results.

Herbicides for Dandelions

Dandelion being sprayed with herbicide.

If you’re serious about saying hasta la vista to your dandelions, try a chemical herbicide from your nearest gardening or home improvement store. Selective broadleaf herbicides can target dandelions without harming grass. Always read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions before applying any herbicide to your lawn and/or garden.

How to Get Rid of Dandelions in Your Grass Without Harming Your Lawn

Removing dandelions from your lawn is a challenge that often requires a full-scale effort, but this doesn’t mean you have to damage your beautiful lawn in the process. While several of the methods mentioned previously can potentially harm surrounding plants, there are less risky alternatives. Vinegar, for instance, is a non-selective plant killer. If you choose to use a vinegar solution or the boiling water method, make sure you only target the dandelions. Don’t spray vinegar on windy days, as it could damage your grass and nearby plants.

When using an herbicide, always choose a selective broadleaf herbicide that is specifically developed to target and kill weeds. Any non-selective herbicide will kill all the plants it touches, as well as your lawn.

As mentioned, the best surefire and safest ways to get rid of dandelions while protecting your lawn is to hand-pull them or hire a professional.

How to Prevent Dandelions from Returning

Now that you know how to kill dandelions, your next mission is to keep them from coming back. Dandelions are sneaky and like a bad cold, they are hard to get rid of unless you take the necessary precautions. Focusing on dandelion control can help ensure that once you get rid of an infestation, those yellow flowers stay away for good. Here are some of the best ways to prevent a return of those pesky dandelions:

Proper Lawn Care

The best way to get rid of dandelions and stop them from coming back is to take good care of your lawn. Weeds are always trying to compete with your grass for sunlight, water, and nutrients. A lawn that is healthy and strong offers the best defense against weeds because it can outcompete young weeds and prevent them from developing.

Cultivating a dense, high lawn ( roughly 7.5 centimetres high) will squeeze out any pesky weeds. Regular lawn maintenance that includes fertilization, aeration, and proper watering is a great way to establish a healthy, thriving lawn.

Use Pre-emergent Herbicides

If you’ve gotten rid of a group of dandelions in a specific area of your lawn or landscape, consider putting down a broadleaf pre-emergent herbicide over the area. It’s likely you weren’t able to kill all the dandelion seeds (especially because they can live in the soil for a while). Put down your pre-emergent herbicide at the end of winter or the beginning of spring to prevent new dandelion seedlings from germinating.

Overseed Regularly

Dandelions are most likely to show up in thin or bare patches of soil where they don’t have to fight for resources. You can help keep them at bay by regularly overseeding bare spots to keep your lawn dense and healthy, you should begin to win the battle.

Monitor Weed Activity and Act Quickly

When it comes to dandelion seeds, they are frequent flyers, which means they can drift far, especially on windy days. Even after you think you’ve gotten rid of them, don’t let down your guard. Monitor your lawn and landscape regularly, especially in the spring and fall. If you catch young dandelions growing on your lawn, get rid of them (taproot and all) as quickly as possible before they go to seed and spread. This approach also applies to all weed control on your property.

Get Rid of Dandelions with Professional Help

Even if you know how to remove dandelions, you may not have the time, desire, or ability to spend your days closely monitoring your lawn and jumping into action the moment you see a golden flower sticking out of your grass. When it comes to how to get rid of dandelions, The Grounds Guys® are the easiest and most effective option. Our local teams have plenty of experience with dandelion control and dealing with other weeds that diminish the beauty of your lawn. Whether you need residential or commercial weed control services, The Grounds Guys will get the job done right, with service backed by the Neighbourly Done Right Promise™.

Let us take care of all your lawn care needs, including stopping a dandelion invasion before it gets started. If you really want to know how to kill dandelions easily, the answer is The Grounds Guys.

Request a free estimate today.